What Information Does My Personal Injury Attorney Need From Me?
If you were seriously injured in an accident, you will want to ensure financial compensation for your out-of-pocket costs by hiring a personal injury attorney. An accident could come from falling on someone’s property, a motor vehicle collision, getting bitten by someone’s pet, or other personal injury situation that may have caused you to become hurt and seek out expensive medical assistance to treat your injuries.
If you are working with or planning on working with an attorney to seek financial compensation for your personal injury claim, you’ll need to know what important information your attorney in Portland, OR may need from you.
We’ve listed below some important things you should know about a personal injury claim, and what sort of things you’ll need to provide to your attorney:
Why Choose a Personal Injury Attorney?
When hiring a personal injury attorney, not only will you be able to claim any medical expenses caused by your injury, but you may also be able to receive compensation for property damages. You could also receive damages to offset any earned income you may have missed out on due to being unable to work while you heal from your injuries. Even if you have purchased insurance that may help cover the costs of your medical bills and any damages to your property, you may benefit from obtaining legal counsel to ensure you receive the largest settlement that you are entitled to.
Insurance companies are for-profit entities that will try to pay out as little as possible in order to squeak out a profit despite your insurance claim. They do not have your best interests at heart when offering a settlement claim for your injuries. Small accidents with minor injuries may be easy to settle without a personal injury attorney to help guide you through the process. However, serious injuries may not be fully compensated if you are left without legal representation. This could leave you with expensive medical and property bills that you would have to pay for if the agreed upon settlement was not enough to cover the financial burden.
Provide Your Attorney All Incident Reports or Law Enforcement Reports
Typically, when there is a car accident or a physical injury, a call to the police is made for the safety of all involved. Not only is everyone’s safety protected when a call for help is made, but a police officer writes an official record of what happened. This report can help you when attempting to recoup your losses after the accident has passed and you are left with all the bills to sort through and figure out how to pay.
It is very important that you provide your attorney in Portland, Oregon or wherever they reside, with copies of all incident reports taken at the scene of the accident. Oftentimes, police reports will document any eyewitnesses who are on scene and able to back up your claims of what happened. These eyewitnesses can testify on your behalf to ensure you receive financial compensation for any incident that was not your fault.
In addition to any police reports, you would want to obtain copies of any incident reports that may have been logged if your accident happened at a place of business. Oftentimes, businesses
will have their own incident reports taken from employees’ recounts of what happened in case there is a need for proof of the incident for either insurance purposes or for legal claims. Obtaining copies of any and all incident reports for your attorneys can be helpful in discovering potential new leads or new evidence to back up your claim.
Take Pictures and Send Them to Your Legal Team
Taking photos of your injuries at the time of the incident can help back up your case and should definitely be provided to your legal team. You should continue to take photos of your injuries as they heal, showing your path to recovery, to help demonstrate your inability to work and earn income during any convalescence period.
Pictures of the scene of the accident or injury can help show how the incident occurred and can back up your case.If you were in a car or bicycle accident, or pedestrian crossing accident, be sure to capture the roadways, showing the layout of the lanes and signage. Taking pictures of the emergency response at the scene of the accident can be helpful as well.
If you are claiming restitution for any property damage, taking pictures of the damage at the scene of the accident can be extremely helpful as well for your lawyer to have in order to strengthen your claims. Make sure to do this before any cleanup occurs, if possible.
Keep a Recovery Journal and Provide a Copy to Your Attorney
In order to show how your injuries have impacted your day-to-day life, it is a good idea to start a recovery journal. You can track the progress of your injuries as they heal, and how you are feeling each day.
You can log each medical appointment, as well as the outcome of each doctor’s visit. Demonstrating how your injuries have affected your life is your responsibility, and having a recovery journal can help your attorney provide proof of your damages.
Provide Any Bills and Any Insurance Information
If you have reached out to an insurance company (either yours or the other party’s) to try and recover your losses, it is important to keep copies of your correspondence with each insurance company and provide a copy of your logs to your attorney. You will also want to provide your legal team with the insurance company names, any associated policy numbers, and any schedules of coverage if available.
You must provide proof of your financial losses in order to prove damages and recoup your losses legally. If you have made any medical bill claims with your insurance company, it is important to provide the explanation of benefits (EOB) received for any medical visit processed through your insurance company. You want to provide proof of your out-of-pocket expenses, and having the EOBs available for your lawyer to review is very important.
For more information on what specifically your state requires in the case of a personal injury claim, reach out to a lawyer located near the site of the accident. If you are looking for a personal injury attorney in Portland, Oregon or surrounding areas, contact Warren Allen LLP today!