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Tag: Portland Attorney

How Is Child Custody Determined in an Oregon Divorce?

Child custody is not a decision that any court takes lightly. The specifics of custody law vary by state, but the child’s best interest is always the most important thing. How does Oregon law determine which custody is in the best interest of the child or children? Ultimately, it’s whatever will best benefit the child and where they will be most safe, stable, happy, and healthy. But what factors help the court determine this? Read on below to find out more.

What is a Parenting Plan?

A parenting plan establishes how divorced or separated (if never married) parents will handle the decisions involved in child-rearing for a child they share, which the court will then confirm. These plans usually include outlines of holidays and vacation schedules, how information is shared between parents, when a child resides with each parent, and how disputes will be resolved.

In Oregon, most parenting plans must also include a requirement about moving. Per this requirement, a parent can only move up to 60 miles away without informing the other parent and the courts first. 

In some cases, parents agree on the details of the parenting plan, and the court only needs to get involved in ratifying the plan. In other cases, parents can not work together on the parenting plan, and the court needs to get more involved.

How is Custody Determined?

While physical custody is a significant part of parenting plan cases, it’s not the only part. Legal custody is another portion, referring to decision-making regarding education, primary care physicians, and other major choices that arise while raising a child.

When it comes to legal custody, joint custody is where both parents share the decision-making. In Oregon, a judge will only sign off on joint custody if both parents agree. If either parent objects to joint custody, the court will determine which parent gets sole custody.

Sole custody gives one parent the power to make decisions, but this arrangement usually still includes a split of time each parent spends with the child. Both parents would usually still have access to the child’s health, education, and government records and be able to make emergency medical calls. 

If the court deems it necessary, the parent without custody may have specific limitations placed. These could include court-supervised visits only or no visitation at all.

What are the Determining Factors for Custody in Oregon?

A Portland, Oregon, divorce lawyer will guide you through the ins and outs of the state’s laws, including factors that determine custody decisions in Oregon specifically. Here’s a breakdown of factors the court considers, as stated in Oregon Statue 107.137

  • The emotional bond between the child and family members. The child’s relationship with other family members, such as grandparents, will be a factor in determining custody. Oregon judges are typically reluctant to separate siblings.
  • The interest of the parties in/attitude towards the child. Your divorce lawyer must effectively show that the child is the number one priority in a parent’s life.
  • Which parent is the primary caregiver of the child. The primary caregiver can be determined by who takes the child to activities, who regularly attends physician and dental appointments, who bathes and feeds the child, etc.
  • The willingness and ability of each parent to facilitate and encourage a continuing relationship between the other parent and the child. The health and safety of the child is always the most important deciding factor. 
  • If one of the parents committed abuse. In this case, custody will not be awarded to that parent for the child’s safety, health, and emotional well-being. Also, the courts will consider if one parent has a history of violence, drug abuse, criminal activity, or neglect. 

 Some other factors may include:

  • The child’s preference. Children can communicate their wishes, but because they are under 18, they will not have a legal say. 
  • Child’s age and gender.
  • Access to education options, opportunities, and resources.
  • Stability of each parent’s home. 
  • How much of an adjustment the child would have to make to shuttle back and forth to each parent’s house.
  • The testimony of expert witnesses, including psychologists, social workers, and physicians. 

What are some exceptions?

  • The parent’s income, social environment, and lifestyle will only be considered if it negatively impacts the child’s well-being.
  • There is no preference or bias based on the parent’s gender. 
  • A parent’s disability, unless it directly affects the child’s care. Mental disabilities or a disability that prevents a parent from being able to care for the child will be considered appropriately.

How Can a Portland, Oregon Divorce Lawyer Help with Child Custody?

Child custody has many aspects, so it will only help to have legal expertise in your corner. By consulting with a lawyer, you can discuss and figure out what you hope the custody arrangement’s outcome will be. Lawyers can also represent you in determining child support. Together, you’ll create a plan to achieve those goals.

If you don’t want to go to court, your lawyer can work to do everything possible to come to a resolution. If you must go to court, your lawyer can prepare you for the process. Even if both parents agree on a parenting plan, you should have a lawyer review the documents before anything is officially filed. Family law attorneys have experience creating these plans and will include what’s necessary, and help you avoid any pitfalls.

You’ll want to work with family law experts when navigating child custody cases. Our Warren Allen family law attorneys are some of the top-rated and most experienced divorce lawyers in Portland, Oregon. We’ll work hard for you to ensure the court determines the best custody arrangement for your child. Visit our website for more information about our Portland, Oregon divorce lawyers at Warren Allen LLP. If you have any questions or are interested in scheduling a consult, call or contact us via the website.

Personal Injuries and Emotional Distress: Understanding Your Claims

After you incur a personal injury, you often experience physical pain and suffering. What you don’t realize is you may also experience emotional distress. Though you may not be able to see it, emotional distress can be just as traumatic as a physical injury, if not more. 

This article will help explain emotional distress, how it can relate to an accident or injury, and how it might apply to your personal injury claim. 

What is Emotional Distress?

When it comes to a personal injury claim, emotional distress is defined as “mental suffering as an emotional response to an experience that arises from the effect or memory of a particular event, occurrence, pattern of events or condition.” 

Emotional distress can manifest itself in many different ways, which may not be evident at first. It could even be brushed aside and attributed to physical injury. Knowing the signs and symptoms of emotional distress can help you understand how it’s affecting your mental health. 

Some common signs of emotional distress include, but are not limited to:

  • subtle personality changes
  • crying spells or bursts of anger
  • increased use of alcohol or drugs
  • changes in appetite or difficulty eating
  • increasing physical distress symptoms such as headaches or stomach pains
  • feeling guilty, helpless, or hopeless
  • avoiding family and friends, isolating
  • trouble keeping track of things or remembering

Since some of these symptoms can be masked by physical injury, it is vital to be aware of any emotional changes you may be feeling, regardless of your bodily injury status. Keep a journal and note the changes in your mental health. If you notice any of the signs above, getting the support you need is vital. 

Understanding the Legal Basis for Emotional Distress Claims

Whether it’s a car accident, a workplace incident, or a slip and fall, the impact of personal injuries can extend far beyond physical pain. Understanding the connection between personal injuries and emotional distress is crucial when it comes to seeking compensation for your suffering. 

Emotional distress claims are a subset of personal injury claims that focus on the psychological harm suffered by the victim. These claims assert that the negligent or intentional actions of another party caused significant emotional distress, resulting in mental anguish and psychological trauma. While physical injuries may be more visible and tangible, emotional distress claims recognize the profound impact that psychological harm can have on a person’s well-being. By understanding the legal basis for emotional distress claims, you can better navigate the legal process to seek appropriate compensation.

How Does Emotional Distress Affect You?

Physical Injuries 

The pain, suffering, and lifestyle changes that accompany physical injuries can encompass a wide range of emotions, including fear, anxiety, anger, depression, loss of enjoyment of life, and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Our personal injury lawyers in Portland can help you recognize and identify the validity and impact of emotional distress on a person’s mental health and overall quality of life. It’s essential to address these emotional impacts alongside the physical ones when seeking compensation.

Psychological Trauma

Psychological trauma resulting from personal injuries can have far-reaching consequences on emotional well-being. Witnessing a traumatic event, such as a serious accident or violence, can cause severe psychological distress. This trauma can manifest as nightmares, flashbacks, and intense fear, affecting daily life and mental health. Recognizing the psychological impact of personal injuries is crucial in understanding the full scope of emotional distress.

Chronic Illness

Personal injuries aren’t always limited to isolated incidents but can also encompass chronic illnesses and conditions. Coping with a chronic illness can take a toll on a person’s mental health, leading to emotional distress. The constant pain, limitations, and uncertainty associated with chronic illnesses can contribute to feelings of frustration, sadness, and anxiety. Acknowledging the emotional burden of chronic illnesses is essential when seeking compensation for the overall impact on one’s well-being.

Long-Term Effects of Emotional Distress on Mental Health 

Emotional distress can have long-lasting effects on mental health if not effectively addressed. Untreated emotional distress may lead to chronic anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. By understanding the potential long-term consequences, it becomes evident that seeking compensation for emotional distress is not only fair but necessary to obtain the resources for proper treatment and support.

Establishing Duty of Care in Personal Injury Cases

To pursue an emotional distress claim, it is crucial to establish the legal concept of duty of care. This concept recognizes that individuals and entities have a legal obligation to act responsibly and avoid causing harm to others. Proving that the party responsible for your personal injury owed you a duty of care is essential in building a solid emotional distress claim.

Causation is another critical element in emotional distress claims. It requires demonstrating that the personal injury directly caused the emotional distress suffered. Establishing this link may involve medical records, expert testimony, and evidence of the emotional impact experienced. By connecting the personal injury to the emotional distress, you strengthen the foundation of your claim.

Determining the Level of Emotional Distress

Emotional distress claims often require meeting a threshold to be eligible for compensation. This means that the emotional distress experienced must reach a certain level of severity, causing significant harm and disruption to one’s life. While the exact requirements vary depending on jurisdiction, understanding the severity threshold is imperative in evaluating the strength of your emotional distress claim.

When it comes to proving emotional distress in personal injury cases, documentation is key. Keep a record of any mental or emotional symptoms you experience after the incident. It’s also helpful to track any changes in your daily life, relationships, or work performance attributed to your emotional distress. Save any relevant documents, such as medical records or therapy session notes, that support your claims.

Seeking legal advice is always advisable to navigate this complex aspect of your case. Our personal injury lawyers in Portland can help you understand how your particular injury impacts your emotional well-being. If you believe you or a loved one has sustained a personal injury, contact Warren Allen, Attorneys at Law, to schedule your free consultation with one of our personal injury lawyers in Portland.

What To Do If You Are in a Hit-and-Run Car Accident

Car accidents are stressful, no matter the circumstance. Add to that a hit-and-run, and the stress is manifold. Protect yourself and mitigate unnecessary stress by knowing how best to respond and what steps to take. The better prepared you are, the better your case for compensation.

Receive fair compensation so you can cover damages and medical bills, as well as any other losses resulting from the accident. Safeguard yourself against insurance companies who don’t represent your best interests by hiring an experienced car accident lawyer in Portland. A local lawyer understands state laws and will be your ally in a hit-and-run accident. 

Below are a few important steps to guide you through the process immediately following an accident so you can receive the best resolution possible and focus on what matters most: healing.

Prioritize Safety

First of all, make sure everyone is safe, including yourself. You may be worried about damages to your car and consequential expenses, especially if the other driver kept driving without taking accountability, but don’t let that distract you from what matters most. Your safety and that of your passengers are the most important.

Survey the scene. Is it safer to stay with your car or to remove all passengers and move to somewhere safer? If your car is on a busy freeway or intersection, you may run the risk of getting hit again. If you are able to move, get to a safer spot. However, if serious injuries have been sustained, it may not be safe to move. Assess the scene before deciding.

Is anyone injured? If you are able, call 911. If you are unable, tell someone else to call. Remember, some injuries are harder to detect, so when in doubt, make the call and don’t take any chances.

Call the Police

In the case of a hit-and-run, it’s important to immediately call the police without delay. A police report or accident claim needs to be filed to establish fault and aid in finding the missing driver. Since you are the victim of a hit-and-run, having the police involved will help your case. An official police report contains important details for the insurance claim, used to verify who is at-fault. This can help your claim if the other driver was responsible.

Even though the other driver fled the scene, try to jot down as many details about the car you can remember. You may not have been able to get the license plate number, but did you recognize the make or model of the car? What about the vehicle’s color? Which direction was it headed? Write details down as soon as possible, while your memory is fresh.

Collect Information

The more evidence and documentation you have, the better your case for claiming compensation. Document and record as much as possible. Take photos of any damage to your car and the scene of the accident. Where was the accident? Are there skid marks? Photograph, video, and write down what you observe. This includes personal injuries and symptoms. If you need medical care, keep copies of receipts and record your experience with treatment. What are your symptoms? Write these downs. Make sure to seek medical attention, if needed, as soon as possible.

As mentioned earlier, don’t wait to record these events. Write down your recollection of events while it is fresh in your memory. Include as much detail as possible.

When gathering information, collect contact information of any witnesses. A witness statement can help supply additional information about the accident. Ask if they are willing to stay to give a witness statement to the police. If they are unwilling to wait for the police, they can still make a witness statement to you. In this instance, make sure to get their contact information.

Enlist a Personal Injury Attorney

If you live in Oregon, hire a local car accident lawyer in Portland to represent your interests. No matter where you live, the right lawyer will have your best interests in mind and seek fair compensation. Insurance companies do not always act in good faith and may attempt to minimize how much you get.

A personal injury attorney with experience in hit-and-runs understands the law and how much your case is worth. They also know which documents must be filed by what deadlines. Hire an attorney to be your ally and represent your interests. They will ensure you receive compensation without delay and aren’t denied what you are owed by simple clerical errors or missed deadlines.

At Warren Allen LLP, our personal injury attorneys are here to help. Contact us for solid legal advice and representation. Our experienced team will help you receive fair compensation and the best resolution possible. If you have been in an accident resulting in injury or damage, contact our firm today and learn what your options are.

You may be entitled to more than you realize. Compensation can cover a range of expenses and symptoms, including, but not limited to:

  • Lost wages due to missing work
  • Future lost wages due to injury
  • Medical bills
  • Future medical costs
  • Punitive damages
  • Pain and suffering (physical or emotional)
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of consortium
  • Disfigurement or dismemberment

Enlist the help of an experienced attorney who understands what you may be entitled to and help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Notify Your Insurance Provider

Call your insurance company as soon as possible. You will need to contact your insurance company and provide basic information so you can start your claim. Though you are obligated to report the accident to your insurance company, do not give a recorded statement to the other driver’s insurance company.

Once you hire a Warren Allen lawyer as your attorney, refer the insurance company adjuster to us, since we will now represent you. When you authorize your attorney to represent your interests, you will no longer have to deal with the insurance adjusters directly. We will focus on your economic recovery so you can focus on what matters most- physical and emotional recovery.

Tips for Vetting Law Firms in Portland Oregon

Finding a lawyer during an already stressful time in your life can feel like an insurmountable task. Typically, people don’t have a relationship with a lawyer already in place when something happens to them that requires legal assistance. Usually, when someone requires legal guidance, it’s due to an unpleasant and stressful situation that has happened unexpectedly, such as a car accident, a bad fall or personal injury, or a family law issue like divorce or a child custody disagreement. No attorney will completely eliminate the stress of the situation, but the right attorney can help allay some of your concerns.

When you need legal advice, it’s best not to just accept the very first law firm you find in a random online search for help. You want to make sure you are finding quality legal representation that will represent you and your needs with care and expertise. If you are looking for law firms in Portland, Oregon, or wherever you may live, the litigation experts at Warren Allen LLP list below how to find a law firm that best suits your specific legal needs.

Make Sure You Find a Law Firm That Specializes in the Area of Law You Require Help With

It’s always important to find a law firm that has extensive experience in litigating within the specialty you need. For example, if you are looking for a divorce lawyer, it is not enough to find a lawyer with a website that says they practice family law. You want to ensure your law firm specializes in family law and has a history of representing clients within this field.

Look for blog posts or social media posts from the law firm. Do they talk about the area of law that you need? Are there signs of innovation in the field where you need representation? If the law firm demonstrates authority in that area of law, this is a great sign that they are current and active in that field of law and can be a potentially good fit for your legal needs.

Ensure You Can Afford the Law Firm’s Fee

When choosing the law firm that best fits your needs, one factor that is very important to consider is the cost of legal representation. It is important to ask up front what the costs of representation will be to ensure it is an affordable option for you before deciding on which law firm will be the best fit for you. While your instinct might be to opt for the best attorney money can buy, it’s not actually realistic. You also don’t want to just blindly choose the cheapest service either. The truth is that you need to look at law firms in Portland, Oregon, that meet both your needs and your budget.

Typically, law firms that specialize will cost more than a generalist firm that tends to deal more in volume of clients rather than focusing on each client in depth. Most law firms charge hourly, ranging in price from $300 to $1,000 per hour.

Ask About the Attorney’s and the Law Firm’s Experience

It’s crucial to ask prospective lawyers how many years they have practiced and, in particular, how many years in the field of law you need before deciding on which law firm is right for you. Training and specialization are important, but years of experience in practicing law means they have been through trials and have lost some, won some, and learned from each experience. Go ahead and ask if they’ve handled cases similar to yours and how those turned out.

Choosing local law firms, like Warren Allen in Portland, Oregon, can also be important to the outcome of your case. They’ll be familiar with how the court systems work in the area and have experience working with different judges and attorneys. They’ll also be up to date on all county and state laws, procedures, and policies, better ensuring you get the highest level of representation.

Check Online Reviews and Get Personal References

If you are unsure where to begin your search for a trusted lawyer in your area, start by asking around. If you know a friend, family member, neighbor, or professional who has been through your situation before, it could be helpful to ask if they have a referral to a lawyer who they trust. If you happen to have an existing relationship with a lawyer in another field of law, consider asking them for a recommendation to a lawyer in your area of need. You can even ask your doctor or other professional if they have a trusted lawyer they would recommend.

You should also read reviews online to see what people are saying about their experiences with various law firms in your area. It’s always a good idea to read reviews and ask around before signing a contract with a new law firm.

Consider Your Attorney’s Availability and Ease of Communication

When you first meet with your new attorney, this is your time to interview them as if you were hiring them for a new position at your company. This is a great time to ask about their availability when you have follow-up questions, as they will most definitely arise, and not all lawyers are available at the same rate. Some law firms have paralegals who can answer your questions more readily than the lawyers, who may frequently be in court and unavailable to field your various questions. It is always a good idea to make sure you can communicate with your lawyer or their staff when needed.

If you are looking for law firms in Portland, Oregon, consider hiring the legal experts at Warren Allen LLP. Our team specializes in personal injury, family law, and more. Reach out today.

What Kinds of Cases Does a Medical Malpractice Attorney Cover?

Medical professionals are supposed to provide the best care possible to those who seek out their expertise, but that isn’t always the case.
In some instances, mistakes made by medical professionals can lead to lifelong injuries, worsening symptoms, or even death. Depending on your situation, these mistakes can be considered medical malpractice and may be handled by a medical malpractice attorney in Oregon. The medical malpractice attorneys at Warren Allen LLP work specifically on cases where medical professionals cause individuals harm or a negative medical experience.
Here are a few of the cases that are commonly covered by medical malpractice attorneys:


Misdiagnosis is when a medical professional examines a patient and either fails to diagnose the correct illness or says that the patient doesn’t have an illness when they actually do.
When this happens, a patient may be diagnosed with a condition that they don’t have and, as a result, take medication and treatment that is unnecessary. A “missed diagnosis” can cause a disease or ailment to worsen, preventing a patient from having the opportunity to treat it in a timely manner.
Misdiagnosis is one of the most common reasons people hire a medical malpractice attorney, and make up a majority of medical malpractice lawsuits.

Delayed Diagnosis

A patient may also suffer from not being diagnosed with a health condition, ailment, or disease in a timely manner, also known as receiving a delayed diagnosis. In order to be classified as malpractice, the patient must seek out professional medical help and fail to be diagnosed properly.
When this happens the patient doesn’t receive the treatment they need in the correct time frame and typically will have further health complications as a result. In worst-case scenarios, a delayed diagnosis can result in harm or even death.
Some instances that occur and are considered to lead to delayed diagnoses are as followed:

  • Dismissing symptoms reported by the patient that would lead to a correct diagnosis
  • Lost or mishandled lab work or results
  • Failure to refer the patient to a specialist when signs indicate they should be
  • Not doing further tests when there are abnormalities in routine bloodwork<

If you have experienced an issue that resembles one of these scenarios and have suffered medically because of it, you may wish to speak with a medical malpractice attorney to see what legal options are available to you.

Surgical Errors

A surgical error is a preventable mistake that occurs during a surgical procedure. While all surgeries come with their own risks, there are some mistakes that can be prevented with proper care and procedure.
Some examples of surgical errors are incompetence, poor communication, insufficient planning, neglect, fatigue, or drug and alcohol use. The most frequent surgical errors include operations on the wrong body part, nerve damage, the administration of too much or too little medication, and wrong incision location.
If a surgical error was caused due to one of the above reasons, it could be handled by a medical malpractice attorney. It’s best to consult with an attorney in your state to see if your unique situation qualifies for these kinds of lawsuits.

Birth Injury

Birth injuries are sustained during the labor and delivery process and include injuries such as nerve damage, broken bones, or even death. This occurs when health professionals involved in the birthing process, such as midwives, nurses, or doctors, fail to uphold quality medical care and an injury is sustained to either the mother or the infant.
Common mistakes made during the birthing process can include not performing a C-section when medically necessary, not properly monitoring for signs of fetal distress, improper use of forceps, and exercising too much force. When a birth injury is sustained to an infant or mother during labor or delivery, it may be handled by a medical malpractice attorney in Oregon.
Birth injuries that are commonly cited in malpractice suits include cerebral palsy, brain damage, and paralysis. Injuries like this can significantly impact the child’s quality of life and cause lifelong medical issues. For these reasons, they and other birth injuries are often handled by medical malpractice attorneys.

Failure to Treat

Another frequent cause of malpractice claims is failure to treat. The phrase “failure to treat” may seem cut and dry, but more situations fall into this category than you’d expect. Some examples of failure to treat include failing to provide follow-up care, not ordering necessary medical tests, and releasing a patient too soon from the hospital. Doctors handling a larger caseload or patient roster than they are capable of dealing with is another form of failure to treat. These scenarios and more may be covered by a medical malpractice attorney.

Medication Error

Taking too much, too little, or the incorrect medication can come with some serious consequences. If you are prescribed the wrong medication, the wrong dose of a medication, or prescribed medication that is unnecessary, it may be considered medical malpractice.
When a doctor chooses to prescribe a medication for you, it is their duty to check for other prescriptions you’re already taking, to ensure they’re choosing the correct medication, to check for proper dosing, and to prevent any drug interactions. Failing to inquire about your current medications could result in severe symptoms or side effects and, in worst-case scenarios, could result in death. This could be caused by a mistake on your doctor’s part, but it can also be the fault of a pharmacist. Medication error is a serious mistake to make, which is why it’s often covered by medical malpractice attorneys.
If you or someone you know has experienced a medical issue that resembles one of the above cases, it may benefit you to reach out to a law firm like Warren Allen LLP. The medical malpractice attorneys at Warren Allen LLP can look into your case and determine whether you have any legal standing to file a lawsuit against the medical establishment that has wronged you. The damages from these types of lawsuits often include recovery for pain and suffering, medical bill coverage, or recovery for reduced quality of life.

How Do I Find an Attorney to Help Prepare My Estate?

Making plans for your loved ones in the event of your death or incapacitation is one of the most important things you will ever do. You need to find the best person for the role. An estate attorney in Portland can help you make the appropriate decisions and legal arrangements. But how do you hire one? Read on for tips to help you find an attorney to help you with this important work.

Get a Referral From a Friend

People often speak with friends first to find referrals. If you have a friend who has already been through the same process and you trust their judgment, ask for the contact details of the attorney they went with. Of course, you still need to make sure this attorney is right for you, but a recommendation is a great place to start.

Get a Referral From an Attorney

Getting a referral from an attorney who has worked for you in the past and who you believe has good judgment is a great way of finding someone who can help you prepare your estate. Attorneys will have plenty of contacts among other attorneys who specialize in this area and will be able to point you in the right direction.

Search Google for an Estate Attorney Portland

Another option when looking for an estate attorney in Portland is to do a quick Google search. Google searches can help you find more or less anything you want nowadays, however, be careful. You must make sure that the attorneys you find are reputable. Just because they rank highly on Google, does not mean that they are necessarily the best in the business. Do your due diligence and check out what the reputation of the firm and the attorney you will be dealing with before you put any money down.

Vetting Potential Attorneys

Check If the Attorney Has Malpractice Insurance

Having malpractice insurance is a sign of accountability. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, so you should not hire an attorney who does not have malpractice insurance. In some states, it’s not a legal requirement for an attorney to have this type of insurance. But make sure that you are not caught out by an attorney who doesn’t have it.

A good tip to know is that attorneys who are incorporated (usually signified by having PC or APC after the name of their firm) have to keep malpractice insurance in most states.

Check What Law School the Attorney Went To

Some law schools are harder to get into than others, and these are the schools that tend to have the highest standards. The law school ranking system has four tiers, with the first tier being the most difficult to get into. Asking the attorney you are thinking of going with what law school they went to can tell you about their training and help you in deciding whether you want to hire them.

Ask How Long They Have Been Practicing

New attorneys lack the experience of attorneys who have been practicing for longer periods of time. For a role this important, it’s better to pick someone who has been practicing for a long time and dealt with a variety of situations. This increases the likelihood of you and your estate being in good hands.

Ask Exactly What Their Charges Are

Estate attorneys in Portland usually charge flat fees, rather than billing by the hour. Occasionally, attorneys do both and charge a fixed rate for some services but an hourly rate for others. Checking exactly what their rates are beforehand can ensure there are no surprises.

Ask If There Is Someone Else in the Office Who Can Answer Your Questions

While most estate-planning attorneys aim to make themselves available as much as possible, there are occasionally times when these attorneys are not contactable. If it’s important for you to have someone who can answer your questions expediently all the time, find out if you will be able to talk to one of their colleagues in this eventuality.

Questions for You to Think About When Meeting an Attorney

  • Do you have good rapport with this person?
  • Does this attorney communicate effectively and clearly?
  • Would you be happy talking about this person regarding personal matters relating to your estate?
  • Do you trust this person?

If you answer “yes” to all of these questions, this is further indication this attorney is the right person for the job.

What Should I Do Before Meeting a Potential Estate Attorney?

Before you meet with any potential estate attorneys, there are a few things you should do:

  • Write down your contact information and the contact details of the people who will be affected by this matter.
  • Have a good idea of what it is that you would like to achieve. If there are some things that you are uncertain of, a good estate attorney will be able to help you with this.
    Get the required documents and put them together in a logical order.
  • Write down as many things as you can about your situation. Doing this will help to speed things up while you are with the attorney. Remember, that attorneys tend to charge fairly high rates per hour, so doing this can help to save you money.
  • Make copies of the documents that you will give to your attorney, as you may need to look at them at a later date.


If you follow all the tips in this article, you will stand a good chance of finding an attorney who can skillfully carry out your wishes regarding your estate.

Warren Allen LLP has been serving Portland and the Pacific Northwest since 1971, and we have a great deal of experience in preparing estates. We know how important it is to make sure that those that you care for are provided for after you’re gone. You can be sure that your case is in safe hands with us.

5 Tips for Finding the Best Family Law Attorney in Portland

When you experience a distressing situation in your family that needs potential legal intervention, looking for a family lawyer is the best way to proceed. However, choosing a family law attorney can be stressful. In the absence of adequate due diligence, you may end up with one who cannot give you the desired results.

So how do you go about choosing one? To make the process easier for you, here are Warren Allen’s five tips for finding the best Portland family law attorney without any hassle.

1. Always Go with an Expert

Family law is complex, as the interpretation of the law can change with every new case. Your attorney should be able to identify the core issues right away and provide tailored advice. They should also know the various practices and legal procedures followed by family law courts in the region.

The best way to narrow down your options to the most qualified experts is by browsing through attorney profiles available online to assess the experience of each lawyer, their educational qualifications, and the types of cases they have dealt with. You can prepare an initial shortlist and start a deep dive to assess each of the profiles in-depth.

You can start reading the blog posts and articles published by such lawyers to know more about their work. There may be a lot of general practitioners in the market, but your goal should be to find someone who specializes in family law.

You can look up their social media handles to see the type of posts they have. You can assess your lawyer by asking questions. For example, if you’re approaching a Portland family law attorney for a divorce case, ask them about the recent cases they have dealt with and the outcomes. You can also ask if they’re willing to take on difficult matters for representation. Moreover, an expert attorney will keep track of recent developments in the field of family law. So the more questions you ask, the better it will be to assess their expertise. While this may sound like a lot of work, it can give you a clear sense of whether you want to work with a particular attorney.

2. Make Sure Your Lawyer Is Easily Accessible

Your Portland family law attorney should be someone you can contact easily and receive quick responses. With many family matters, things can go from bad to worse very quickly. Having an attorney who is prompt with turnarounds can go a long way in helping you navigate through complex legal issues.

Your attorney must be able to simplify legal jargon and explain it to you in layperson’s terms. If your lawyer is bombarding you with too much jargon or doesn’t make you feel at ease about your issues, it’s probably a huge red flag. After all, family law involves a lot of complex emotions, and that’s why your lawyer must make you feel comfortable.

In addition to that, also take into consideration the location of the attorney’s office. If it is too far away from where you live, it can be immensely stressful to keep traveling for in-person meetings. Having a local attorney who is closer to home also means you can schedule more face-to-face appointments to discuss the challenges you face.

3. Know What You Want

Too many begin on a wild goose chase to hunt down a Portland family law attorney without knowing what they expect as an outcome. Plus, unsolicited advice from family and friends can make it even more overwhelming for a person to have clarity about the end goal.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, it’s time to take a step back and think. Write down the problem that you’re facing and the outcomes you’re expecting. You should also spend time thinking about the best alternative to your hoped-for outcome.

Doing this will help you find a lawyer who’s more suited to your needs. For instance, if you’re engaged in a custody battle but you don’t want things to get too heated up in the court, choosing an attorney who’s known to be too aggressive in the court may not be ideal, even though such a lawyer may have many years of expertise under their belt.

4. Be Clear About the Costs

Hiring a family law attorney doesn’t come cheap. To avoid any last-minute surprises, it’s best to iron out costs and fees right in the beginning. Usually, attorneys like to charge a retainer fee and then work by the hour, but you may have the option to work out alternative arrangements. Also, make sure to ask about any out-of-pocket or overhead costs (such as travel expenses, postage charges, filing charges with the court, etc.) that you may need to bear as the client.

Asking for discounted rates is also a common practice in the industry. Don’t hesitate to have a conversation if you think you may not be able to work with the fees quoted by your attorney.

5. Ask People Around You

Word-of-mouth references are a great seal of approval for an attorney. You can always ask your friends and family members to pass on references of lawyers they have worked with. Moreover, if you’ve worked with other attorneys, such as a personal injury attorney attorney for another matter, you can also ask them for referrals.

However, be mindful that when it comes to legal problems, there is no one-size-fits-all approach you can take. Ensure that the lawyer you choose is the right fit for you.

Working with an experienced family law attorney can help you get through challenging legal issues and give you the results you deserve. If you’re looking for a Portland family law attorney, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team of experienced family law lawyers at Warren Allen is here to help you overcome any challenging situation in the field of family law.