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Tag: portland divorce attorney

What to Bring the First Time You Meet With Your Portland Divorce Attorney

If you’re considering getting a divorce, one of the first steps you should take is to meet with a Portland divorce attorney. This legal process can get messy, so it’s better to be safe than sorry. These attorneys, who practice family law, will provide an expert hand to guide you along this challenging path.

Read on below for a breakdown of the essential documents you should bring to your first meeting with a Portland divorce attorney:

Tax Returns

Your tax documents are beneficial in proving your income and financial situation, as well as your spouse’s. Be sure to bring at least the previous year’s tax returns, but bring two years of tax returns if possible.

Showing these documents will give your attorney a good idea of your finances. These documents will come into play if you and your spouse need to figure out payments like alimony and child support. And don’t forget to include W2s or 1099s.

Proof of Income

In addition to tax returns, bring other documents that showcase your income and your spouse’s. It will be helpful to your attorney to have the last three pay stubs for you and your spouse. Tax returns are crucial for demonstrating your income and finances, but pay stubs provide a more thorough breakdown, such as hours worked, rate of pay, and any bonuses or overtime.

Bank Accounts

Protecting your finances is one of the reasons you should meet with an attorney before officially filing for divorce. In many cases, it is also why you should consult with legal services before breaking the news to your spouse.

If you have assets you want to protect and are worried your spouse will try to hide them and any accounts; it’ll help to provide your attorney with the documented proof before taking any action.


You’ll need to bring documentation on all debts, including credit card debts and different kinds of loans, from car to student loans. Again, giving your attorney a complete picture of your financial situation as soon as possible is imperative. An experienced divorce attorney will also help you determine which debts are shared and which are solely yours or your spouse’s.

Types of Agreements

Not everyone has a prenuptial agreement, but if you signed one before getting married, it will surely come into play as you divorce. Show the contract and documents to an attorney, so they can determine what is and is not enforceable.

It’s a brilliant idea to consult an attorney before asking your spouse for a divorce. If you’ve been separated for some time or separation was already in the works, let your attorney know. If you have a separation agreement, bring those documents to your meeting. If you don’t have one, your attorney can help draft this agreement.

Mortgages or Deeds

Property division will usually come up in divorces. If you own property, bring the documents with information about any mortgages, deeds, titles, etc. Include any statements of monthly payments.

Investments and Retirement Accounts

Letting your attorney know about these accounts ahead of time helps to best divide them. If not divided properly, you may be subject to tax penalties. This can include IRAs, 401ks, or 403bs.

Medical Records

Do you or your spouse have any medical conditions that may influence a divorce case’s outcome? Are there medical conditions, mental health concerns, or debilitating illnesses that would affect one’s ability to parent? If so, bring along documents showcasing this in addition to the financial records. You will want to give a complete picture of your marriage and any details that could come into play and impact a settlement.

Significant Messages and Exchanges

If any records of specific interactions may help your case, including emails, text messages, and social media interactions, be sure to bring them. Bring along documentation of these if there’s any information enclosed that you think would be important.

While these are sometimes included because of inflammatory statements, they are also helpful in providing a snapshot of how you and your spouse communicate. Also, be upfront about any text message conversation or other interaction where you came off poorly. Trying to hide those won’t do you any favors. If you provide the information to your attorney ahead of time, they can help you figure out how to handle it. If not, you could be caught off-guard when your spouse brings this up.

Criminal Records

A criminal record is a very serious factor that your attorney should be aware of as soon as possible. Criminal records are important if your spouse has been abusive, if you ever had to file a restraining order against them, or if your spouse has been arrested or charged for something else.

A criminal record is one factor that can be incredibly important for determining child custody.

Additional Documentation

If you have any calendars or journals that have important information on them, bring those in as well. They may not be official documents, but they can provide proof to back up your side.

Any Important Inquires

Another important thing to remember is to use this meeting to ask any questions. Remember, these meetings are protected by the attorney-client privilege. Divorce is a personal process, but don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have.

It is probably wise to look through a series of frequently asked questions before the meeting, so that you’ve covered the basics. Divorce attorneys are experts in this field, but more than likely, you haven’t had to go through this legal process before. So, it’s understandable that you won’t know everything by your first meeting. Don’t hesitate to continue asking questions to your attorney after this first meeting as well.

You can find more information on our Portland divorce attorneys by visiting our firm’s website at Warren Allen LLP. We’ve provided excellent legal services to the area for decades, and our experience and expertise will help your case find the most favorable outcome possible.

Avoid These Common Divorce Mistakes in Oregon

Understanding common mistakes people make during their divorce can help you avoid the same traps. Your Portland divorce attorney will be your ally and can advise you during the divorce while offering advice specific to your individual situation.
Going through a divorce is stressful, and the resulting emotions are not unexpected. It’s helpful to be aware of how these emotions may impact decision-making during this time. Whether you are working through a collaborative and civilized divorce or one that is fueled with difficulty and conflict, the approach should be the same. What’s important is to not allow stress or confusion to overwhelm your decisions during the process.
Though this may be a difficult time, keep in mind that there are certain pitfalls you need to watch out for while negotiating and filing for divorce.

Rushing to Settle

It’s understandable to want to finalize a divorce quickly and move forward to end this chapter and start a new one, but this can compromise a fair outcome. Full information is essential in settling on a proposal that is the best resolution for all parties. Though it may be tempting to accept the first settlement proposed or settle before all pertinent information is available, it may leave you with an unfavorable result. Sitting down with an experienced divorce mediator may be best for both parties to work toward a solution.
It’s helpful to take your time and think through these decisions carefully while consulting your Portland divorce attorney. Once an agreement has been signed by a judge, it cannot be reversed or changed unless you go through additional court proceedings, and often only if there were assets omitted (either intentionally or unintentionally). Take the time to carefully consider settlement proposals before accepting them and work toward a resolution that is best for your situation.

Not Setting Appropriate Boundaries for Your Children

Age-appropriate communication with your children is crucial during a divorce. It can be a confusing time, and it’s important they work through their feelings and have a safe place to ask questions. It’s also essential to clarify that it’s not their fault and to provide reassurance.
Healthy communication with your children about the divorce should include balance. It’s important to not overshare or fail to prepare them by not discussing it all or avoiding the subject. Keep the conversation age-specific and avoid speaking negatively about the other parent.
Before discussing the divorce with them, take time to think about what is appropriate and what is inappropriate for them to know and set healthy boundaries. There are several books available that cover how to speak to your children about divorce, or a family therapist may be a viable option.

Losing Focus

At the time, every detail may seem critical to take to court. In the interest of not dragging out the process, select which issues are worth taking to court and which ones can be negotiated. Your Portland divorce attorney can help decide which issues fall into which category if you are struggling.
Keep the end goal in focus when making these decisions so you can secure a positive future.

Refusing to Negotiate

A common mistake in divorce is rushing the process, but the opposite can be true as well. Negative feelings or a desire to make a spouse “pay” for their shortcomings in the relationship can unnecessarily drag out a divorce.
This may not be true in each divorce, but unresolved issues or anger in some separations may lead to attempting to use the legal process as an opportunity to get even. Refusing to compromise and insisting on going to court or dragging out court appearances can cost time and money. The court may not view this favorably and it could cost you. It’s natural to be angry, but do your best to stay focused so you can focus on the best outcome for yourself.

Listening to Misinformation

Everyone has advice and opinions when it comes to a divorce, whether it’s your family, friends, or the internet. Though some of this counsel may be wise, especially from someone who has previous experience with divorce, keep in mind that a legal process requires the services of an attorney local to you who specializes in family law and how it relates to your situation. With the internet putting a lot of sources at our fingertips, there can be a lot of misinformation that will lead you astray.
An experienced attorney specializing in family law will have detailed knowledge in divorce, as well as other areas of legal practice, and can help you reach the best resolution possible. They will be your ally, help mediate, and help advise you in obtaining the best possible outcome in your divorce.
Whether you need help with legal representation or advice in separation, divorce, custody, or establishing parenting time, Warren Allen LLP is here to help. Our experienced attorneys have detailed knowledge of family law and other areas of legal practice that may arise in domestic relations. Contact us today and let our attorneys help you secure a positive future and the best resolution possible.

Forgetting to Keep Long-Term Goals in Mind

It’s easy to get stuck in the past and forget to create a plan for your future. There are a lot of factors to consider that can be overlooked when dealing with the overwhelming and immediate details. Receiving helpful counsel from professionals like a Portland divorce attorney, counselors, or financial experts may be helpful in staying grounded and creating a plan for the future. This can include protecting the future well-being of children, your mental health, property, and finances.
You may need to make a plan for parenting time, keeping your children’s best interests in mind. You may need to account for financial changes such as a change in income, the differences in separate property and marital property, as well as changes in income tax post-divorce.
Seeking the counsel of professionals, family, and friends can help you create a support team for your family, so you don’t have to go through the process alone. Having help from a knowledgeable and supportive team will help you avoid some of the common divorce mistakes.
Going through a divorce can be a difficult time, but making careful decisions and accepting the correct types of help can guide you to a more favorable future.