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Category: Auto Insurance

Oregon Car Insurance Requirements: What You Need to Know

Aside from New Hampshire and Virginia, all U.S. states require vehicles to be covered by car insurance, so if you live in Oregon and plan to drive a car, it’s essential to understand the intricacies of Oregon car insurance. The following overview outlines everything you need to know about Oregon car insurance, including minimum insurance requirements to legally operate a vehicle, coverage options, and the legal implications of non-compliance, especially if you are involved in a car accident.

If you are involved in a car accident and suffer an injury, one of the best things you can do is consult with a personal injury lawyer, like the team at Warren Allen, LLP, to ensure you have all the help you need if you decide to pursue a personal injury claim. 

Who Needs Car Insurance?

Generally speaking, anyone operating a motor vehicle on public roadways in Oregon must have car insurance. Certain vehicles might be exempt, including antique vehicles issued permanent registration; collector’s vehicles whose primary use is not transportation but exhibitions or parades; some all-terrain vehicles unless operated on a highway access route; and motor vehicles not operated on the highway or operated only on private property. 

Minimum Insurance Requirements

For vehicles that do require insurance coverage, Oregon drivers are required to have liability coverage. This coverage helps pay for any injuries or property damage that you may cause to others in the event of an accident. The minimum amounts of insurance are as follows:

  • Bodily injury and property damage liability:
    • $25,000 per person for bodily injury or death;
    • $50,000 per crash for bodily injury or death to two or more people in a single accident; and
    • $20,000 per crash for damage to others’ property.
  • Personal injury protection of $15,000 per person: This coverage helps provide certain financial compensation to cover medical expenses and lost wages for the driver and any passengers in the event of an accident, regardless of who is at fault. Generally, the medical expenses must be considered “reasonable and necessary” and occur within two years of the accident.
  • Uninsured motorist protection of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per crash for bodily injury. This coverage helps protect drivers who might be involved in an accident with another driver who does not have insurance. It can also help cover costs incurred by a hit-and-run collision. Drivers can receive financial compensation to help cover medical expenses if injured in an accident.

Coverage Options

While liability, personal injury protection, and uninsured motorist coverage in the amounts listed above are mandatory when buying Oregon car insurance, drivers often opt for additional coverage options. Coverage amounts will vary, depending on your insurance company and how much you are willing to pay for your monthly premium. It’s essential to review your policy with your insurance agent carefully to understand your coverage.

Several types of additional coverage are common for many car owners. 

  • Collision coverage helps pay for damage to your vehicle if involved in a collision, regardless of fault. 
  • Comprehensive coverage is used for non-collision damage to your vehicle resulting from theft, weather, or vandalism. 
  • Underinsured motorist coverage helps bridge the gap when the other driver has insurance, but it’s insufficient to cover all your expenses. 
  • Your insurance company might also offer coverage for emergency roadside service or rental cars.

Although uninsured motorist coverage is mandatory, the type required is only for bodily injury. If you choose, you can also add uninsured motorist coverage for damage to your vehicle or property.

It’s important to remember that, unlike homeowners’ or renters’ insurance, car insurance policies often do not cover the costs of personal property that might be damaged in an accident or stolen from your vehicle. The best choice is to take valuables with you when you leave your car.

Proof of Oregon Car Insurance

You should always keep proof of insurance with you whenever you are driving to avoid negative legal repercussions and ensure you are covered in the case of an accident, whether you are at fault or not. Most insurance companies provide a small card you can carry in your wallet or keep in the glove box of your car. Legally, you must show proof of insurance to the other driver if you are involved in an accident and the police if they pull you over for speeding or other driving infractions. 

What Happens in Cases of Non-Compliance?

Understandably, the consequences can be serious if you fail to comply with Oregon’s mandatory car insurance requirements. Individuals caught driving without insurance might incur fines and penalties or have their driver’s license and vehicle registration suspended until they can prove they have valid car insurance.  

Legally, if you are at fault in an accident and do not have Oregon car insurance, you might be held responsible and required to pay for damages and injuries to the other driver. Paying these damages out-of-pocket can sometimes be financially devastating. The other driver could file a lawsuit or take other legal action against you to ensure they receive the financial compensation you owe them. In addition, you would bear the financial burden of paying for your medical expenses and any necessary repairs to your vehicle out of your funds.

States put mandatory insurance coverage requirements in place to safeguard their residents. Having the appropriate Oregon car insurance is good citizenship, but it is also a good idea to protect yourself financially if you are involved in a car accident. If you have been injured in a car accident in Oregon, you may be entitled to financial compensation to cover medical expenses, loss of wages, pain and suffering, and vehicle and property damage repairs. Call the personal injury lawyers at Warren Allen LLP to discuss your situation and learn your options. Let us help you get the best resolution possible!

How to Find the Best Car Insurance for You

The moment when you realize you’ve been in a car accident can be one of the scariest and most surreal moments of your life. The last thing you want to think about when in a car accident is how much this will cost you financially. After a car accident, you might be worried about personal injuries, injuries to your loved ones and any others involved in the accident, property damage, damage to your means of transportation, and managing the shock of it all. This moment in time is when it’s apparent why you put in the time and effort to find the best car insurance for you and your loved ones.

Finding the best car insurance can be intimidating, as there are many insurance companies to choose from and lots of different options when choosing your car insurance coverage. Comparing car insurance rates can be both daunting and confusing. Warren Allen has some expert advice on how to go about choosing the best car insurance for you.

Shop Around for the Best Rates

When shopping for the best car insurance for your personal needs, don’t just shop in one place. Consider shopping around and comparing what insurance rates are available from multiple insurance companies in your area. Don’t forget about the smaller insurance companies when comparing rates, as the smaller insurance companies often offer a great customer service experience, with easier and faster claims processing and lower insurance premiums.

When shopping for rates from various insurance companies in your area, not all multi-quote websites report prices for all insurance companies, so it’s a good idea to use a few different multi-quote websites to make sure you cover as many potential insurance companies as you can.

Not only is it a good idea to shop around for the best car insurance price quote, but it’s also a good idea to shop around after a major life event, such as getting married or moving to another state, as each life event will potentially change your insurance premium. It’s also a good idea to shop around for better pricing every few years to make sure you are always getting the best price available.

If you have had any major traffic violations, such as a DUI, traffic tickets, or major accidents, it’s best to wait a few years before shopping around for a better insurance premium, as it can take three to five years for the price increase caused from such things to drop off. If you have questions about your driving record and need legal advice or representation, give Warren Allen a call.

Consider the Customer Service Experience and Not Just Price

When choosing which insurance company to insure your vehicle with, price is often considered the most important factor by many. Though the price is a very important consideration, there are other factors to consider when picking which insurance company to go with. For instance, how responsive is the insurance company, how easy is it to file an insurance claim when it’s needed, and how user-friendly is their website when you need to access your information online.

Many larger insurance companies offer online insurance card access and downloadable mobile apps to easily access all of your insurance information on the go. These accessibility features make it much easier to manage the exchange of insurance information at the scene of an accident, and it adds the ability to file claims at your convenience online or through a mobile app or on a website, instead of having to wait until the insurance company’s business hours.

Look for Discounts

Many car insurance companies offer different discounts toward premiums, and all you need to do is ask for them and qualify based on which ones are available. If you’re an A student, for instance, ask for a good student discount. Do you have a clean driving record? If so, ask if they offer discounts based on a good driving history. If your car has certain features such as anti-theft devices installed or certain safety features like anti-lock brakes, that can qualify you for a discounted rate. All you need to do when shopping around is ask your insurance representative for any available discounts and see which ones they offer that you qualify for.

Another discount that you may not have thought of is a multi-policy discounted rate. If you have one or more family members who reside in your home, if you all purchase insurance through the same insurance company, that can qualify you for a discounted rate on each policy. If you have homeowner’s or renter’s insurance through the same insurance company as your car insurance, that too can qualify you for a discount for having multiple insurance policies with the same insurance company. The best way to find out which discounts may apply to your personal situation is to ask your insurance representative when requesting a price quote.

Know What You Are Paying For

When comparing premiums with different insurance companies, it’s important to make sure you’re comparing fairly, meaning you’re comparing the same level of coverage from Policy A and Policy B. When insurance companies quote a premium, it includes lots of categories that can vary in the dollar amount covered per incident and the type of coverage offered. For example, one insurance company may quote you $50 less a month, but their insurance premium may only include liability insurance and not collision insurance.

Each state has its own minimum requirements for a motorist to be considered properly insured—you can find Oregon’s requirements here—but one insurance company’s price quote may not be a bare-bones policy and may include extras such as rental vehicle coverage or roadside assistance. The out-of-pocket deductible may be more with one policy compared to the other, causing the premiums to be different. Always know what you’re being offered before considering one policy over another.

If you’re in an accident and have questions or need legal representation, reach out to your legal experts at Warren Allen.

Why Do I Need Auto Insurance?

Next to your home mortgage or rent, your car payment is probably one of the largest monthly expenses you have. Toss in gas, insurance, maintenance, and everything else that goes along with owning a car, and it all adds up to one pretty penny rather quickly. With all these extra expenses, it may be tempting to skimp on your auto insurance coverage. But that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

Warren Allen specializes in personal injury law, representing people like you and helping them get the most out of their auto insurance. But in order to help you do that, you first have to be insured. Here are some of the top reasons you should carry auto insurance. Trust us, this is one card you’ll always want to keep in your back pocket.

Offers Protection

First and foremost, your auto insurance offers protection should you ever damage your vehicle or experience bodily injury from a car accident. Though you have to pay upfront for auto insurance coverage, it can save you from a major financial loss down the line in the event that you’re in a catastrophic accident.

If you’re the person at fault in a car accident, for example, your auto insurance protects you by covering the cost of repairs. Your auto insurance may also cover property damage if you knock over someone’s mailbox, for instance. Though you may be responsible for paying a deductible, having auto insurance generally protects you by limiting your out-of-pocket expenses if your car is seriously damaged.

But even more important than that, some types of auto insurance also protect you and your family by covering medical expenses that are the result of a car accident. If you injure another person in an auto accident, bodily injury liability insurance will help pay the cost of their medical expenses as well. This type of coverage may even help cover attorney fees if you’re in a dispute and need to retain a personal injury law firm to help resolve complex legal issues. Furthermore, this type of auto insurance coverage is required in the state of Oregon. More on that in just a bit.

Provides Convenience

In addition to saving you money, auto insurance makes things convenient as well. Once you contact your auto insurance company and file your claim, most matters will be handled for you. Let’s say you’re in an accident and your car is damaged. Your insurance provider can arrange to have a tow truck company tow your car to an auto repair shop. They will also arrange for the cost of the repairs, minus your deductible. Your insurance provider will also contact a rental car company to reserve a rental for you while your car is in the shop.

All of these expenses can add up to quite a lot. Not only will the cost of repairs and the rental car be covered, but you also won’t have to worry about making these arrangements on your own. While car accidents can be stressful, your auto insurance provider can minimize that stress by handling all the moving parts that must be addressed following an auto accident.

Gives You Peace of Mind

Imagine walking out of your home to find that your car isn’t where you left it. You search the parking lot and see broken glass. Perhaps someone knocked out a window, hot-wired your car, and drove away with it. What are you going to do? You still have a car payment, and now, if you’re unable to recover your car, you’ll need a new set of wheels as well.

If you have comprehensive auto insurance, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your car is protected. With comprehensive coverage, you can recover the cost of your car’s value if it’s stolen or damaged because of a break-in. You can rest easy knowing you won’t have to make payments on a car you no longer possess.

Insurance providers also vet the companies they work with and only contract with trusted industry leaders. This means if your car is vandalized or damaged in an accident, you won’t have to worry about taking it to an auto repair shop that’s going to inflate the cost of repairs and perform unnecessary work. You can have peace of mind knowing the repair shop is likely a reputable company that the insurance provider has worked with many times before.

It’s Legally Required

Auto insurance coverage offers many benefits that make it pretty clear it’s a smart investment. But not only is it a wise choice, it’s also a legal requirement in many states. For instance, in the state of Oregon, it’s illegal to drive without liability coverage. If you live here, you’ll need to have both bodily injury and property damage liability coverage. The minimum amount of coverage required is $25,000 per person, $50,000 per crash for bodily injury to others, and $20,000 per crash for damage to the property of others.

There are certain exemptions to the rule. But in most cases, auto insurance is required. Plus, in the long run, the advantages auto insurance provides outweigh its cost. You’ll be in compliance with state law and also have coverage should you be involved in a car accident.

We get it. The costs of owning a car certainly add up. Gas, repairs, insurance, oil changes … the list goes on and on. But the fact remains, you simply cannot overlook the importance of carrying auto insurance. If you have questions about your coverage, need legal advice, or want to retain representation for a court matter involving a personal injury accident, reach out to us here at Warren Allen. We’ll provide you with sound advice to help you save money, as well as protect yourself and your family.